I have used most of these websites during the building and research for my family tree,
hope you find some of the links helpful or interesting.
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Forum with lots of friendly people,
mainly for the Midlands area
but also as lots of info and
interesting links

Forum this one covers the UK
hit a brick wall, ask for some help
or a census look-up
lots of helpfull people.

looking for a Birth, Marriage or Death
then start here,
although not fully transribed it as a
large data base
and you will more than likely
find the person/s you are looking for.

Suffolk Churches, 
some hard work gone into this site,
if you have any interests in Suffolk
then its well worth a look.

If you are interested in the first world war
then have a look at this site
its full of info and pictures.

Another world war one website
with plenty of info on battles,
places and pictures.

If you have any family links with the north of England, then have alook at this site,
it as some very good info on it.

Trying to find out what one of your ancestors did for a living.
You've found their occupation on the census but you are not sure what a Knock Knobbler is, then this site might help.

The Church of Latter-Day Saints,
this site is very good for finding those
hard to find Ancestors,
but use it with caution
and double check the data if possible,
dont forget the data as been transcribed by humans!

Looking for someone lost in the war,
then look here for their names,
this site lists soldiers killed in action,
date and location

Looking for somewhere to put your Genealogy website,
my own website is Hosted by EUKHOST,
I have been with them for two years and found them very helpful.

Like to have ago at building your own website,
this site covers just about everything.

If you are looking for a Guestbook for your site
then I highly recommend PHP junkyard,
their guestbook is very easy to setup
and its anti spam measures seem to work very well.
it can also be customised
so that it integrates with your own website